Diablo Multiplayer First Aid Version 1.0 beta 1 Greg Legowski, gregleg@telerama.lm.com This program was written by a Windows developer (namely me) who lost one too many Diablo network characters to the great bit bucket in the sky. Since I wrote this one, I have seen several others that also do the trick. I decided to make mine publicly available anyway for the following reasons: o I backup the characters to a single file with all necessary data encoded. You can safely copy and move this file elsewhere, without having to worry about things such as timestamps or file attributes -- my program handles these for you. The program makes no assumptions about the location or even name of the backup files, so you are free to make backups of this file, rename it, basically do anything you want with it as long as the contents are not modified. o It's the smallest such applet out there thus far (as an applet should be ;-), and still has a reasonable Windows interface. o It will warn you when you are trying to restore your characters to a machine other than they originated on. o There is no need to restart the computer after performing a restore. (This may be true of other utilities now as well) This version does NOT support moving characters to another machine; that may be added to a future release. This utility is intended ONLY to safeguard your characters against system failure. As such, it grabs ALL network characters at the time of the backup, so if you create new characters after this backup, and then restore from this backup, the "newer" characters will vanish. Moral: Always keep your backups current. Future possible additions include a command line interface (if you want to automate backup in a batch file, for example) and the ability to move characters to another computer. If you were one of the very few people out there who saw version 0.9, please note that the file format of the backup has changed -- old backups are NOT compatible with this version, and no conversion utility is planned. Use of this applet falls under "at your own risk". I can NOT guarantee the results of using this applet, although I HAVE tested it (and NEEDED it ;-) with my own characters, on Windows 95 and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (Service Pack 1) machines. This program is public domain. It may be freely used and distributed so long as this text file and the executable are distributed as a package, and remain unmodified. Donations to encourage me to maintain this tool, and write similar utilities in the future (for StarCraft, for example ;-) are appreciated but not expected. If you wish to make such a donation, feel free to send me email. Thanks, --Greg Legowski gregleg@telerama.lm.com http://www.lm.com/~gregleg